Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning

Blossom Lady
May 16, 2021 02:34 AM
Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning

Between dirty dishes, sticky countertops, and scraps of pie dough on the floor, you’re going to need a trusty cleaner to have on hand this season. I used to spend a lot of money on all-natural cleaners from the store. Deciding I wanted to eliminate store-bought chemicals from my cleaning repertoire meant saying goodbye to cheap options and splurging on better products from the organic grocery store. Once I learned about the magical world of DIY cleaners, though, I was hooked. They work wonders on kitchen counters, save me money, and give me peace of mind knowing exactly what goes into each bottle. Today I’m sharing with you my favorite recipes of homemade kitchen helpers. With just a few supplies, you can mix up your own all-natural cleaner. Do yourself a favor and make some today — you’ll be glad you did when you’re covered in flour and gravy next week.

Homemade All-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner

Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon dish soap
2 tablespoons vinegar
Using a funnel, combine the ingredients in a spray bottle.
Shake the bottle well and leave it for 1-2 minutes.
Fill the remaining space in the bottle with warm water then let it sit for a few more minutes.
Add a few drops of essential oil to give the desired scent.

Homemade Refrigerator Cleaner

Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning
You'll need: ½ cup baking soda
1 bucket of hot water
Use a clean rag to wipe down the inside of your fridge with this mixture.

Cleaning Glass Baking Dishes With Aluminum Foil

Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning
Use this method when you have stuck-on substances on your glass dishes.
Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the dish then fill it with water.
Using a ball of aluminum foil, scrub off the baked-on grime. It will come off easily.

Cleaning Your Cheese Grater

Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning
The best way to handle your cheese grater is to clean it as soon as it is used, but sometimes you may not remember to do this.
1. Use lemon to clean soft cheese: Simply rub both sides of the grater with a lemon wedge.
2. Use a potato or apple: Grate an apple or potato to dislodge dried bits of cheese.
3. Use an old toothbrush to clean the smaller holes.
When you use sponge, wash against the grain so you will not grate the sponge. If you have really difficult stuck-on bits, you can freeze the grater or soak your grater in a mixture of water and vinegar prior to washing.

Dishwasher Cleaning

Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning
Although your dishwasher may appear to be doing its job, soap scum, grease, leftover food and other gunk can buildup in your dishwasher over time. Here are some ways to ensure that the dishes you wash in it are truly clean and sanitary.
1. Use vinegar and baking soda: Remove the filter of the dishwasher then soak it in soapy water for 10 minutes.
Replace the filter, put one cup of white vinegar on the bottom rack of your dishwasher then run the heavy cleaning cycle.
After the heavy cycle is done, remove the cup and sprinkle some baking soda all over the bottom of your dishwasher.
Let it sit overnight, then run another heavy cleaning cycle in the morning.
2. Use borax: Use a damp sponge and a generous amount of borax to scrub the inside door and bottom floor of the dishwasher. When you are done, rinse the borax away with a damp rag.
Now place 1/4 cup of borax on the bottom layer during your next washing cycle (your dishes can be there). Add regular detergent and run the dishwasher normally.
3. Use Kool-Aid: This is a good way to get rid of hard water deposits in the appliance and it smells delicious too.
Simply pour some citrus Kool-Aid (lemon or orange) into the detergent bin of the dishwasher then add a generous amount to the bottom.
Now run the full cycle of the dishwasher to get rid of hard water deposits.

Coffee Maker Cleaning

Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning
Plain old vinegar has enough acid content to eliminate the buildup of scale, mineral and oils in your coffee maker. Cleaning should be done once a month.
Unplug the coffee maker and wait until it is cool then use a damp sponge to wipe down all the external surfaces.
Fill the water reservoir with a solution of equal parts of white vinegar and water.
Now, run the coffee maker then leave the mixture to soak in it for about 30 minutes.
Pour out the vinegar solution, fill the water reservoir with plain water and run the coffee maker 2 to 3 times.
Remove the pot and filter basket and wash with soap and water.

Organic Countertop Cleaner

Practical Tips for Kitchen Cleaning
1 cup of water
1 cup of vinegar
Mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle.
Note: Replace vinegar with vodka or rubbing alcohol if your countertop is made with granite, marble or stone. Vinegar is not good for these surfaces.
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Sylvia J Earle
Sep 19, 2021 03:54 PM

How do you get and keep stainless steel appliances shiny?